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Troop 919 Troop 919

Troop News Troop News

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Troop News

Posted on Mon, Aug 31, 2015

Troop meeting 7:30 PM (Please be on Time)

It is Popcorn time again!!!  Online sales have started, door to door sale begin September 25th.  We will have our popcorn kick-off September 22th at Brookstown UMC. You can sample the popcorn and learn how you can pay your way to camp next year.  Scouts will receive a percentage of what they sale to put into their scout account to help pay for scouting events.

Troop camping Trip:  September 18th -20th we are planning to travel to Hammock Beach State Park and paddle out to bear island. We will camp on the beach.


Troop meeting (Preparing for Bear Island)


Troop meeting (Preparing for Bear Island)


Troop meeting (Menu Planning)


Popcorn Kick-off at Brookstown


Troop meeting  

   Discussion: Troop News

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