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Raven News 5-9-15 Raven News 5-9-15

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Raven News 5-9-15

Posted on Sat, May 9, 2015

Parents, Good afternoon. What a great Tuesday Meeting. The Court of Honor went well with our Ravens earning several accomplishments including the Scout Badge and the Totin' Chip. We will be back at the Scout Hut this coming Tuesday May 12th. We will continue working on the requirements for the Fitness that the boys started working on a few weeks ago. Please work with your son to help him obtain the goal outlined on page 96 in his Scout Handbook. He should already be familiar with this from the last normal meeting we had. A few things to remember: Natural Bridge, Virginia Trip: May 29th-30th Sign-ups will begin Tuesday night. We will be visiting the a historic bridge. We will get to see the bridge, the history village and then caverns. We will be camping at the Natural Bridge KOA camp ground. We all need to turn in our Annual Health Form: Please call and set-up your annual physical and have you health form completed. We are required to keep the form on file for all troop members.​ Scout Camping Log: Scouts should all be recording their camping trips on page 446 in the back of the Scout Handbook. This is your sons point of reference for the required nights "under the stars" for future advancement. Merit Badge College: Our boys did not get to complete their requirements in either of the classes they took at the Merit Badge College. Your son should have a blue form as well as a white stapled handout for each class. If you look at the blue form on "Fire-Safety" you will find that all that needs to be completed is section 6 (on the white handout). I think the forms may not have been filled out correctly at the class by the instructor. Section 6 requires the scout to be at home, with a parent , and conduct a home safety survey. This could not be completed in class. Your son needs to draw a home fire escape plan, a fire drill schedule, and conduct a home fire drill. Sections B,C,D,E,F,G and H will be a review from class but still a great thing to review. If you look at the blue form on "Traffic Safety" you will find that there is a bit more that needs to be completed. Sections 2,3 and 4 need to be completed. Section 2 Part A requires a physical demonstration of seat belt usage (they do this everyday!) and a explanation of the importance of passengers being buckled up. Also Part B has the boys listing safety features and their benefits. Section 3 Lighting Systems and indicator lights in your car and the importance of each. Section 4 Stopping distances, night time visibility, shapes and sizes of signs, purpose of signs, signals and pavement markings as well as traffic laws. Have your son complete all of these in the white stapled handouts. Once they are completed he will need to bring the white handouts as well as the blue forms to me at the hut and I will check the work and sign off on the blue form. This will complete the requirements and they will be awarded their patches at the next Court of Honor. ALSO, Scouts all need to get a Sash before the next Court of Honor. Here is an example I found online:

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